December 4 NHNA Board Meeting Agenda

Your neighborhood association board of directors will meet this Wednesday night at 6:30, Monte Vista Christian Church . Note that we are trying Wednesday nights for our regular meetings instead of Mondays which we have had in the past.

There is a time at the beginning when everyone is welcome to share ideas and concerns. Your ideas are important.

Drop in and out as your schedule permits. All are welcome.


Wednesday, December 4, 2019, 6:30 PM
Monte Vista Christian Church, 3501 Campus Dr NE, Bethany Hall


  • Introductions; Neighbors are invited to express ideas and concerns in their introduction
  • Establish quorum (the board has 10 directors; 6 is a quorum)
  • Approve agenda
  • Officer’s reports


  • Nob Hill Main Street, Kurt Oelsner, President; Darren Sandow, Exec Director; Chris Smith, Public Safety Chair
  • District 6 Coalition

CONSENT AGENDA (Any director may ask to move any item to new business)

  • Minutes of Nov 11 meeting
  • Treasurer’s report of: TBD


  • Santana Apartments, Workforce Housing, Central Ave @Adams St NE, facilitated pre-application meeting with developer was Oct. 16, facilitator’s report has been issued; developer has responded to facilitator’s report.
  • Safe School Crossing; Dep’t of Muni Dev’t has issued report
  • 7/11 Management Plan


  • ZHE requests; ZHE agenda for December does not include any requests affecting NHNA.
  • Focus Areas for 2020; signup sheets from annual meeting
  • Establish committees and membership on committees
  • NHNA volunteers to Nob Hill Main Street for holiday lighting?
  • Night of monthly NHNA meetings
  • Board vacancy; Pres has announced; board will try to elect new director at Jan 8 meeting
  • Integrated Dev’t Ordinance, Status of Annual Update; proposal to enlarge EPC by 2 members

COMMITTEE REPORTS; chaired by VP Shani Madden

  • Quality of Life
  • Public Safety
    • Lead-Coal Safety Brigade
  • Historic Preservation
  • Community Engagement and Communication
    • Newsletter
  • Tree Canopy Restoration
  • Community Form?


ADJOURN Next regular meeting January 8

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